She is our new "Cool Aunt". All groups are now going to have a Cool Aunt or Cool Uncle.
ben, you now have administrative access. You have the tools to stir up all kinds of monstrous trouble in this boys' room.
benconservato's first email:
Hello glamourous zombie people,
I figured I should introduce myself as I am going to be lurking here more than the regular stalker. I am here to check you are still alive and kicking, in any form. The work you've all done so far, is fabulous. Keep it up!
ben, this group has been sleeping for a few months, all tuckered out from a hugely successful run of zombie exchanges. Very good group, clever and diligent. Most, or all of us agreed to start a more general monster exchange, but after toasting our brilliance we all passed out. That's pretty much where it stands.
I am still in for the monster theme.