Saturday, July 4, 2009

arright bitches

It took me a lifetime and a half to actually get this done...
here it is.

I wanted it to be good...I think that there is some bad ass stuff happening in this exchange and I wanted to make sure I kept up my end of the bargain.
I will put this in the mail to Bessent or Emon...whoever responds first with the address.
Thanks for the opportunity F1X+2.


  1. Oh! It's lovely. Great nudie zombie. I'll take it.

  2. p.s. those ghosts in the background are great!

  3. indeed that is an awesome entry, those hidden zombies you used for transition with the broken wall I lef :D really nice, and the ghosts indeed
    very nice!

  4. Love the variety of styles. It's like an entire scary movie in one picture. So much brilliant work here. It's no wonder that it took so long.

  5. Stunning! Is the last one a nod to .rec / Quarantine? Regardless, boss, bevy, and beautiful!

  6. I am glad to be a part of the exchange.

    Emon...What is .req/Quarantine?

  7. .rec is a Spanish horror film that culminates with a ghoulie gal in the penthouse suite like the gal on the right there. Quarantine is the US remake of same starring Dexter's spindly sister, also (vaguely) known for her satirical fat freak out in 2 White Chicks and as the twitchy possessed in Exorcism of Emily Rose.

    How's that for too much info? ;) Any rate, totally recommend .rec (or its remake) or Dexter; the others, eh, not so much.

