Howdy all,
Since this is my first time doing the exchange I am unaware if there is some existing protocol. I am fine with a single or multiple zombie books droning around the mail system. My only request is that is some sort of loose time-line for the exchanges to take place. I know that a deadline is usually my primary motivator.
If that sort of formality is taboo in this forum.....then I will eat my own arm in true zombie fashion.
I think usually you are given 1 month to do your entry on most of the moly groups (correct me if im wrong)
ReplyDeleteMostly, the suggested timeline is intended to help keep the project moving along, a ping to the conscience. Some people work faster and some troublemakers work slower. The key is to commit to keeping the ball rolling.
ReplyDeleteCute sketch BTW. Don't burn yourself out, buddy.
ReplyDeleteThis sketch is wonderful! I'm all for pushing the books on in a month or less; the faster the better as well, frankly. Not rushed, but not collecting dust on the back burner, either, right?
cool sketch.
ReplyDeleteas far as sketchbooks go I like the square format or the japanese fold moly. But I can go with anything.
I think decreasing the length of time is good....a month is a bit passive...seems like this group is getting motivated to crank out some exciting work....I am all for putting the foot on the accelerator.
ReplyDeleteEveryone is busy, I am sure, But a good creative outlet that is guilt-free and regular is always helpful.
Keep in mind the time it takes to mail the books. Though most of us are in US & Canada, going overseas takes a week. Also, stuff comes up in peoples' lives, vacations, illness, work, other moly groups ( I'm in 7). I've always got 3+ books at my house.
ReplyDeleteI will defer to the experience of others since I am new to this.
ReplyDeleteI figure as go as quick as you can, life and reality as will be, and all good as long as you let cats know when you get their book, or when you've shipped a book one to whomever is next. It the communication that keeps things popping along. Agree with Marty about shipping times and multiple book obligations.
ReplyDeleteAny rate, let's get this one going, pick the book you will, I personally like the square books and Japanese fold Molys as well, however whatever you feel like going with is cool with me, just keep in mind that anything too big is a lot to ask of others, and expensive to ship as well.
I've started mine, will post up a sketch soon as it's legible enough to scan in.
On the mailing order, Lindsay is here in town, but who is next closest to Vancouver, BC, Canada?
ah damn you all guys are from usa and canada, well :( I guess it dosnt matters where I am in the mail order since it has to cross the sea
ReplyDeleteim fine with a 2 weeks deadline to do the thingy , I've been a bit quiet now with the holydays and stuff but things are back to normal now
I dunno about you cats, but sending things international makes me feel all tingly!
Hey all.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I'm new to all this as well, so a bit shy about it all. Shipping overseas for cooperative art makes me feel tingly too. like the swankiest pen-pall exchange ever!
So we start right away then?
Ian, I'll send you the correct address right away, although shipping to work is likely best as delivery here is swifter than to at home. And I think you might remember that address.
Noice! Hey Linds, we can swap ours whenever you're ready at a rock gym session, man does that sound suggestive, and then I can collect yours to mail both on to the next person in the chain once we're both done, coolio? Since you're even faster than I am, I figure that'd be the more efficient way, and cut cost a touch on shipping. And yeah, I'd definitely use the Radical address for having stuff mailed, for you or for me, no one is more reliable and trustworthy for parcel protection than Jen!
ReplyDeleteSo is everyone ready to start, and does aiming for sending off swaps around the first week of Feburary sound too ambitious? Maybe the 15th of Feb as a deadline? I'm talking to cats like Marty and M Nightmare that have a bunch of projects on the go already, and anyone else out there living life in all the ways zombie fans are inclined to do...
And tell me I'm not the only one of us ever to have trundled through a zombie march?
I've never been in a zombie march, but I did dress up as a zombie with a friend and lurch around town one night. Some late night employees at Best Buy and PetSmart got bloody eyefuls of us. We had to break character at best Buy because there were a couple guys walking towards us with big metal tools. It was a little scary, but I guess we were too.
ReplyDeleteFirst week of February is good for me!
A parade of two takes some stainless steel cahones, respect for that!
hum, I was thinking maybe you could send me more than 1 book at once to reduce costs,
ReplyDeletetho the risk with that is that I might get overwheelmed in terms of work :P cause nowadays mail is quite efficient is rare that a package gets lost
anyway a certified mail even from spain to usa aint really expensive =)
brb gonna get some braincornflakes
Hear you totally, Cirus, and since Lindsay and I both live here in town, ours will probably ship out together like cadets in a Neil Simon play about bootcamp and zombie invasions, what was it, Beloxi Dead Blues or something like that?
ReplyDeleteAnyway, should have something worth posting in the next day or so art wise, and I know, I know, about damn time, sorry! Sorry!
Meantime, also gotta figure out how to get the Food 2 Moly blog to not look like it came from THX-1138. Needs some flair, oi.
Oh, and have you cats tried out Left 4 Dead yet? How sad is this, I'm playing it on both PC through Steam and on the 360. True, whole reason I bought a 360 back when was Dead Rising coming out. I'm truly a zombifi3d gam3r g33kst3r.
Sounds good, to send a couple molys or so together, tho I was thinking if we can make the order somehow that im not always the last to draw in the moly, I mean if the molys go all around and in the end they fly to spain I would be drawing always the last pages (not a real problem but people would never draw after me :PPP)
ReplyDeleteso I guess we should set up a regular mail order and include me at some point so I get to draw at different stages of the moly..
dunno if I explained correctly, sometimes my english gets kinky
I thought about buying Left 4 Dead but instead I bought Fallout 3 :PPPP, when I pay next month's rent ill look if I can afford more games, else at some point ill have to chose between buying food or buying games, I still havent even finished gears of war...
Back to the subject, how did the book size discussion ended, are we using the japanese moly after all? (I have one ready to start if so)
"I mean if the molys go all around and in the end they fly to spain" I meant all around USA
ReplyDeleteI'm not worried about a moly getting lost. I've never lost any mail and I've sent a lot of shit including unpackaged paper mache heads through the mail. Uncertified.
ReplyDeleteLeft4dead is really fun. I've played it on the 360. I hope they release some more levels and special zombies for it. I love how fast and crazy the zombie hordes are. It's actually scary.
This order from the right actually looks really good to me:
ReplyDelete* Cirus, Spain
* Colin Flynn, USA
* David Bessent, USA
* Emon Xie, Canada
* Lindsay Jorgensen, Canada
* Marty Harris, USA
* Michael Nightmare, USA
What do you all think? And I started a Japanese fold Moly, so that's what I'm using. I think that format is the way to go, though would be happy to chip in one someone's if they've deviated a bit on the format, long at you don't need a wooden crate or casket to ship it onwards with!
You cats cool with that order and Moly format?
I also am doing the japanese fold. I have some ideas...im also kinda waiting to see what all of you come up with as well.
ReplyDeleteill do japanese fold aswell, wont have time to do a research of new book formats im afraid
ReplyDeleteI am going with a regular Unlined sketch Moly.
ReplyDeleteI am good with the line up.
Right on, sounds like we have a plan coming together, and you know how Hannibal feels about that! No, not the cannibal one, although that'd probably be more apt, since he's sort of an honorary zombie.
ReplyDeleteI'm really curious about what sort of spin you all are putting on the zombie theme. Share or keep it a surprise, up to you of course, just know that I'm all a shiver with Anne-tiss-uh-pay-shun! Sorry for the horrific attempt at emulation of Dr. Frank N. Furter there.
I'm in with a Japanese fold Moleskine sketchbook too. Wee!