Thursday, January 29, 2009


So my book is ready to move on....where do I get the address of the next person...who has the order they go in?

Pay it forward

Not exactly in love with the color, but I played a bit and haven't been back to it again, so I've passed it along. Got sir EmonXie's book in hand and am mulling over some thoughts on that.

Friday, January 23, 2009

A bit more work...

Moving forwards a bit. I missed scanning one page, but I'm essentially doing the first couple pages, but leaveing some gaps, then putting one bit of a drawing somewhere about 3/4 of the way through, then a tiny patch of something on the last page. I'll try to move onto getting some color involved soon. I've never loved how pencil crayons have come out for me, and don't have much in the way of markers, so I may bust out the watercolor pencils that I bought to experiment with a while ago and see how that treats me...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Rough start

Well, I've been a bit on and off of this one, trying to find my way into it, and found I wasn't thinking enough of it as a sketchbook, so will henceforth try and handle it more naturally and cram stuff into the spaces available. Trying for something along the lines of 'i want my life back' with maybe personality sticking around, and trying to deal with the frustration involved in now being a zombie and not having things be the way you remember being.
I'm using a japanese style foldout book. not really mole-skin brand or anythoing so the paper's a bit needing getting used to for me... err, yeah, carying on...


slowly but surely

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Little bit of progress / headway.

Glad to finally settle on an angle for our theme, a convention for zombies, good and goofy fun!


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Where can zombies roam?

QUESTION for the group:

When working on each others books...are the previously created pages off limits?
If I am so moved...can I add to the previous work?
Should others feel free to tamper with my lines?

What is the spoken or unspoken rules on this subject?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

It'll be a while before I get started on my book.

....or anyone else's for a while. Very, very busy. Until then, here's some more inspiration,

Monday, January 5, 2009

Howdy all,

Since this is my first time doing the exchange I am unaware if there is some existing protocol. I am fine with a single or multiple zombie books droning around the mail system. My only request is that is some sort of loose time-line for the exchanges to take place. I know that a deadline is usually my primary motivator.
If that sort of formality is taboo in this forum.....then I will eat my own arm in true zombie fashion.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

And so it begins

So here are my questions, just to get my brain back into this brains game:

- Do we want to circulate a single book and all hit it once or so, or do we want to swap book as with a traditional Moly exchange?

- Could everyone please send me your names, addresses, and numbers so I can compile a list and mailing order, etc?

- What exactly does the whole idea of a "zmobie pin-up" mean to you? If we're to all start books, would that be the right question to start with?


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Zombie kids like turtles!

I think a very valuable video for us to all consider as we work!